Sunday, November 20, 2011

Will the AMAs ever be the same?

One year ago today, we were glued to our TV screens waiting for the New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys joint performance on the AMAs. The tour had already been announced, and we were waiting for this sneak peak of what it would offer. As true fangirls, we watched the entire show because we didn't want to risk missing the performance. Finally, the last performance of the night was introduced - this is when the tweets and facebook updates began. The mashup of their hits had everyone singing along. This was the beginning of an amazing year for us - full of concerts, meet and greets, roadtrips, and memories. There is one line that sums up this performance for us (and you all know what it is)...

All you people, can't you see, can't you see...N-K-O-T-B-S-B...